Is pre-workout every day good for you? [Explained]

Pre-workouts are one of the essential supplements to take before training. They are made to provide you with extra energy so you can go the extra mile. The main ingredient used in pre-workouts is caffeine. …

Is pre-workout every day good

Pre-workouts are one of the essential supplements to take before training. They are made to provide you with extra energy so you can go the extra mile. The main ingredient used in pre-workouts is caffeine. Depending on your preference you have them in pills or powder form. However, they do come with some side effects.

Most pre-workouts nowadays contain:

  • Caffeine
  • Creatine
  • Amino Acid (BBCAs)
  • Beta-Alanine


Caffeine is the main ingredient of pre-workouts as it gives you the extra energy and helps you focus which leads to better overall performance. More caffeine is better but it does have its side effects too.

Most pre-workouts had a range of 150 mg to 300 mg of caffeine per serving. That is the same as having two to 3 tablespoons of coffee.


Some pre-workouts contain creatine which is added to help you with gaining strength and enhance your performance. Create help you create more ATP which is your body’s energy currency. The more ATP your body contains better you will be performing during exercise.

Also, if your aim is to build lean body mass then creatine is recommended to take as one of the supplements.

Amino Acid (BCAs)

BCAs are another ingredient that is usually added in pre-workouts. BCAs are broken down on amino acids and their aim is to help recover damaged muscle faster after an intense workout. This helps with faster muscle growth so BCAs are one of the high rated ingredients in the fitness industry.


Beta-Alanine is usually found in some pre-workouts and they are added to help with high-intensity workouts. It does that by lowering fatigue and enhancing recovery which leads to better performance during your workouts.

Is pre-workout every day good for you?

Everyone has a different opinion on this. Some people prefer taking it every day some don’t. However, I have tested taking pre-workout every day for a month and taking pre-workout 6 times a month.

Yes, it’s good to take a pre-workout every day but eventually, your body builds a tolerance to the caffeine intake. This means after a while you will feel much effect from the pre-workouts and some of you might rely on it to have good workout session.

Personally, I found pre-workout to be more effective when taken 2 times a week consistently. Even Studies have shown that taking pre-workout consistently is better than taking once in a while. This is because the main ingredient will build up in your body which will lead to longer workouts, and feeling less tired during and after a workout.

A little background on me: I’m Ayush and I have been consistently training for 5+ years. I have trained with pros, bodybuilders and athletes.

I started with a one-month challenge where I took CARDIO MIRACLE pre-workout every day for 30 days. I started on the 1st of December till the 30th of December. My main goal was to cut down bodyfat with high intensity cardio and weight lifting.

The first week:- I had way too much energy for cardio. I was increasing my cardio intensity by increasing the reps/timelimit for each exercise day by day. I felt like a god.

The second week:- I had a little bit less energy next week compared to the first week. My cardio intensity hits its peak at the end of the second week. But it felt like my body was getting used to the pre-workouts

The third week:– In the third week I focused more on the weight training and I was lifting slightly more than before. I felt more energetic. The pre-workout still had its effect but in the first week.

The fourth week:- The last week of the challenge, I was feeling no effect of the pre-workouts but I was lifting more than usual. This is because my body developed more tolerance to the pre-workout ingredients, I was used to the caffeine intake. However, I was lifting heavy weights and it felt like the high intensity was not as much of a high intensity anymore.

From the 1st of Jan till the 30th of Jan I started the second challenge where I took CARDIO MIRACLE pre-workout 2 times every week for 30 days. My main goal was to cut down body fat with high-intensity cardio and weight lifting.

The first week:- The two days I took my pre-workout, I manage to push my limits for the workout. The cardio intensity was high and manage to hit my Pr on push day. However, the rest of the day I wasn’t performing the same.

The second week:- I felt the same as the first week. My energy levels were sam when after taking pre-workout. My cardio intensity was slightly higher.

The third week:– In the third week I focused more on the weight training and I was lifting more and had the same energy if not more.

The fourth week:- The last week of the challenge, I was feeling the same energy level as the first week. This is because my body didn’t develop a tolerance to the pre-workout ingredients. I was lifting heavier week by week and pushing my limits to the max.

Common Side effects of pre-workouts

  • Digestive symptoms
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • headache
  • Rise in blood pressure
  • Changes in blood sugar
  • Insomnia if taken as nighttime

If you have any underlying healed conditions then take your doctor before taking pre-workout supplements.