How to Build Muscle for 15-year-olds?

Training regularly and not seeing and not building muscle can be very frustrating. There are ways to build muscle for 15-year-olds but you don’t really need to worry about building muscle because your body is …

Build Muscle for 15-year-olds

Training regularly and not seeing and not building muscle can be very frustrating. There are ways to build muscle for 15-year-olds but you don’t really need to worry about building muscle because your body is not mature. That doesn’t mean don’t train at all, make sure you do train regularly and stay fit.

The safest way to build muscle for 15-year-olds is to perform lots of bodyweight exercises, compound exercises, more endurance, a good diet, and correct form. By doing that you will reduce injuries, see slow and steady progressions, and build a foundation of strength.

How do you build muscle for a 15-year-old?

In order to build muscle for a 15-year-old. Do the following things below

1. Perform Bodyweight exercises
2. Perform Compound exercises
3. Add Endurance training
4. Have a Good Diet
5. Keep your Form Correct
6. Have enough Rest Time

Perform Bodyweight exercises

Average Push up for a 14-Year-old

Building Muscle can be very challenging for a 15-year-old. The best way and the safest way to build muscle is by performing Bodyweight exercises. The aim is to perform 10-15 reps per exercise by increasing reps over time as you build muscle and strength.

Bodyweight exercises will help reduce injury compared to weighted exercises and it is best for 15-year-old as they will not stun their growth.

List of bodyweight exercises to perform

  • Push-ups
  • Crunches
  • Sit-ups
  • Lunges
  • Pull-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Muscle-ups
  • Planks
  • Jump Squats
  • Single leg bodyweight deadlift
  • Single leg bodyweight Squats
  • Squats
  • Dips
  • Glute bridge

Start with two sets of each exercise for 15 reps and gradually increase the sets, reps, or weight as you get stronger. Add more challenging variations of each move once you can do more than three sets of 15 reps. Make sure to focus on form before adding weight. Remember to give your muscles time to recover between workouts by having at least one day off in between workout days. And finally, eat a healthy diet that includes lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This will help build muscle for 15-year-olds.

Perform Compound exercises

Compound exercises will focus on multiple muscle groups. The muscle building for 15-year-olds will be faster when performing compound exercises as more muscle fibres are getting activated at once. This means gaining more overall muscle in less amount of time.

It is advised to perform bodyweight exercises but an active 15-year-old can perform lightweight training if they are comfortable will bodyweight exercises.

List of the Compound exercises to perform

  • Deadlifts
  • Bench press
  • Shoulder press
  • Squats
  • Leg press

Performing these compound exercises with lightweight and right reps/set will help build muscle for 15-year-olds.

Add Endurance Training

The best way to understand Eduarance is by thinking of it as “Holding a glass of water for a min, it’s fine. Holding it for 1-3 hours, your hand start to ache. Holding for a day and your hand will feel numb.” The Weight is the same light but you’re holding it for a long period of time.

We use the same concept in workouts such as using a lightweight and performing 20-100 reps for each workout for each set. This can be some time consuming but the workout will help build muscle faster and you will have the pump after the workout.

Endurance training should be added to both Bodyweight and compound exercises. This will help build muscle for 15-year-olds.

Have a Good Diet

Build Muscle

In order to build muscle for 15-year-olds then good diet is necessary. You need to make sure you eat enough calories throughout the day and eat a clean diet that contains the following:

  • Nutrient-Dense Foods
  • Healthy Snacks
  • More protein intake
  • Drink Calories

Read the Correct Diet to build muscle in more detail.

Keep your Form Correct

The main focus should be on form when lifting to doing any exercises because you should be focusing on the right muscle when working out. In some cases, you will be “cheating” where you could be doing half reps because of the difficulty of the exercises or weight. Therefore, learning proper form will help target the correct muscle group and give a strong basis in your later bodybuilding years. As you can see form is important to building muscle for 15-year-olds.

Have enough Rest Time

To build muscle for 15-year-olds, rest time is mandatory. It’s recommended to give your muscle 1-2 days to recover after a workout. You will know when it’s time to train and you won’t feel the pain in your muscle. Building muscle does require patience, consistency and dedication but it absolutely worth it in the long run.

Workout Plan for Teenage Guys to Build Muscle

Here is a workout plan to build muscle for 15-year-olds (teenagers). You can each your own workout by mixing up the exercises and rep/sets to your own preference. This is a weekly workout that is recommended for teenagers as it will help build muscle.

  • Day 1 – WEEK 1Bodyweight Exercises
  • Day 1 – WEEK 2Bodyweight Exercises
  • Day 2 – Rest Day
  • Day 3 – WEEK 1Compound Exercises
  • Day 3 – WEEK 2Compound Exercises
  • Day 4 – Rest Day
  • Day 5 – WEEK 1 – Mixture
  • Day 5 – WEEK 2 – Mixture
  • Day 6 – Rest Day
  • Day 7 – Cardio

Day 1 – WEEK 1Bodyweight Exercises

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsRest time between sets
1Crunches30-6031 minute
2Planks1 minute31 minute
3Single leg bodyweight deadlift8-15
(each leg)
31 minute
4Single leg bodyweight Squats8-15
(each leg)
31 minute
5Dips10-3031 minute
6Glute Bridge30-6031 minute

Day 1 – WEEK 2Bodyweight Exercises

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsRest time between sets
1Push-ups10-5031 minute
2Sit-ups20-5031 minute
3Pull-ups1-1031 minute
(each leg)
31 minute
5Jumping Squats30-6031 minute
6Squats30-6031 minute

Day 2 – Rest Day

Day 3 – WEEK 1Compound Exercises

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsWeightRest time between sets
1Bench Press20-503Light1 minute
2Shoulder Press20-503Light1 minute
3Deadlifts10-603Light1 minute
4Squats30-603Light1 minute
5Leg Press30-603Light1 minute

Day 3 – WEEK 2Compound Exercises

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsWeightRest time between sets
1Leg Press30-603Light1 minute
2Deadlifts10-603Light1 minute
3Shoulder Press20-503Light1 minute
4Squats30-603Light1 minute
5Bench Press20-503Light1 minute

Day 4 – Rest Day

Day 5 – WEEK 1 – Mixture

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsWeightRest time between sets
1Bench press20-503Light1 minute
2Push-ups10-503Bodyweight1 minute
3Shoulder Press20-503Light1 minute
4Hike Push-ups10-503Bodyweight1 minute
5Deadlifts10-503Light1 minute
8Single leg bodyweight deadlift8-15
(each leg)
3Bodyweight1 minute

Day 5 – WEEK 2 – Mixture

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsWeightRest time between sets
1Squats30-603Light1 minute
2Squats30-1003Bodyweight1 minute
3Single leg Bodyweight Squat20-50
(each leg)
3Bodyweight1 minute
4Deadlifts10-503Light1 minute
5Sit-ups30-803Bodyweight1 minute
(each leg)
3Bodyweight1 minute

Day 6 – Rest Day

Day 7 – Cardio

NoWorkoutsRepsSetsRest time between sets
1Cycling 5 minutes31 minute
2Steps10 minutes1N/A
3Running/Sprinting3 minutes31 minute
4Jog5 minutes1N/A

By now you should know how to build muscle for 15-year-olds. If followed the plan correctly there is no reason for you not to grow your muscles and let us know about your progress.