Are squats worth doing it? [Explained and Answered]

One of the most asked questions is “Are squats worth doing it?” Firstly let’s find out what is Squatting and what muscle groups are being targeted. Squatting is a compound movement exercise that focuses on …

Are squats worth doing it

One of the most asked questions is “Are squats worth doing it?”

Firstly let’s find out what is Squatting and what muscle groups are being targeted.

Squatting is a compound movement exercise that focuses on pushing momentum and targets the lower body and core. Some of the muscles which are targeted are the Quads, Hamstring, Glutes, back and core muscles.


Yes, squatting is worth doing if you want to strengthen or build lower body muscles. However, the correct form and number of reps/sets should be performed depending on your goal. Also, progressively overload the weight when you can perform the right number of reps and sets.

The main muscle group which is targeted when performing squats are the Glutes, Quads and Hamstring.

  • For building strength aim for 6-8 reps of heavy weight for 3 sets
  • For building muscle aim for 10-12 reps of medium weight for 4 sets

3 Variations of squats you should try

1. Barbell Front squat

What is Barbell Front Squats?

Barbell Front Squats are very similar to normal squats but the main difference is that the bar is in front of you, on your shoulders. This exercise is great if your main aim is quad strength. Keeping the weight forward takes away the use of the hamstring and adds more focus to the quads.

Trainrightmuscle recommends not going super heavy with this exercise as you can injure your knee joint. Also, use knee straps when going heavy.

Main Muscle Focus

  • Quads
  • Upper Back
  • Shoulders

Other Muscle Focus

  • Glutes
  • Hamstring
  • Core


  • 10 – 15 reps


  • 3 – 4 sets

2. Morning squats

What is Morning Squats?

Morning squats are one of the most underrated exercises. This exercise is very similar to the Romanian deadlift however you are in a squatting position, and rather than pulling the weight you are controlling it. This exercise is great if your main aim is on the Hamstring, lower back and glutes.

Trainrightmuscle recommends not to go heavy with this exercise at all as you can injure your lower back.

Main Muscle Focus

  • Hamstring
  • Lower Back
  • Glutes

Other Muscle Focus

  • Quads
  • Core


  • 10 – 15 reps


  • 3 – 4 sets

3. Dumbbell squats

What is Dumbbell Squats?

Dumbbell squats are another alternative exercise to normal squats. The only difference is that you’re taking the weight from your shoulders to your arms. This exercise is great if your main aim is on the Hamstring, lower back and glutes. You can keep the weight in front which will focus more on your quads or behind you which will focus more on the glutes.

Trainrightmuscle recommends not to go heavy with this exercise at all as you can injure your lower back and joints.

Main Muscle Focus

  • Hamstring
  • Quads
  • Glutes

Other Muscle Focus

  • Core
  • Lower Back


  • 10 – 15 reps


  • 3 – 4 sets

Can you get fit by squatting?

Yes, Squatting can get you fit. If you are not in shape then squatting is a great exercise to perform as it will target multiple muscles; the lower body and core. However, just doing squats is not enough as your upper body muscle are not being worked on.

There is the reason why squatting can get you fit:

  • Squatting is a compound movement which will target your core and lower body muscles at the same time.
  • Squatting will help improve body posture.
  • Squatting will strengthen bones, connective tissues and joints
  • Squatting will help muscles and strengthen the lower body muscles.
  • Squatting will help build strength and stability from every angle to the core muscle.
  • Squatting will improve your fitness level allowing you to perform better in any physical activity.
  • There are many variations of squats that will help focus more on a specific muscle group like the quads, hamstrings or glutes.

Will doing squats every day will do anything?

squatting every day

Yes, squatting every day is very beneficial if your aim is to stay fit, grow, define or strengthen lower body muscles. Hence why squats are rated very highly in the fitness industry.

What changes I will see if I squat every day?

  • As a beginner, you will see huge size improvement on your legs
  • Your Balance and mobility will increase.
  • Your leg will be more defined
  • You will be able to perform better on other exercises which require core and lower body muscles.
  • You will have a better mind-to-body connection to your lower body muscles.

Are squats overrated?

Well, this is more of an opinion-based question and can vary from person to person.

I personally believe squats are not overrated. They are an amazing workout if you’re targeting your glutes, hamstring and quads. Not only that there are many variations of squats and so many benefits to them.

Squats will help you with your day-to-day life whether you got an active or inactive lifestyle.

Are squats enough for leg day?

Well, it totally depends on your fitness goals and your level of fitness.

As a beginner, it is enough just to do squats and variations of it but for more intermediate and advanced levels you know it’s not enough, so it’s best to perform other exercises too on the leg day.

Ideally, just squatting is not enough for leg day because squats require lots of energy when performing. This means after a few sets you will get extremely fatigued.

However, you can just perform squats but you will have to do different variations of squats throughout the workout. Other variations of squats.

What can I do instead of squats?

As we all know, squatting requires lots of energy. For people who can’t perform squat due to a previous injury or doesn’t like doing it, there is some alternative exercise.

There are several exercises you can perform instead of squats.

  1. Step-ups
  2. Leg Press
  3. Hip Thrust
  4. Deadlifts
  5. Lunges
  6. Kettlebell Swing
  7. Leg extensions

These exercises will help target your lower body muscles and they are an alternative to performing squats. Other workouts

Will calves grow from squats?

Big Calves

Well, the answer is No, even though when squatting calves are being targeted as a secondary muscle. There aren’t many significant improvements to be seen for calf development from doing squats.

Must read: How to grow calves quicker with bad genetics?

To grow calves do the following:

  • Performing running and exercises while wearing a weighted waist
  • Target calves at the start of the workout every day.
  • Target both volume and heavy sets on calf machines.
  • Perform all the calves exercises correctly.