What is the Average Reps for Push ups?

The average Reps for push ups varies from person to person. There are soo many factors that come in such as workout goals, age, level of strength, endurance, gender and more. Below, all the factors …

Average Reps for Push ups

The average Reps for push ups varies from person to person. There are soo many factors that come in such as workout goals, age, level of strength, endurance, gender and more. Below, all the factors will be considered in a chart form.

Push up is a compound move that uses your own bodyweight to target the upper body muscles. It’s best to know which muscle is being targeted, which are:

  • Chest muscles (pectorals) – Primary
  • Shoulders (deltoids)
  • Triceps
  • Abdominals
  • Serratus Anterior

(Check more info on the muscle group)

So what is the Average reps for Push ups is?

The Average Push up reps for Men is 15-30 reps.

The Average Push up reps for Women is 5-20 reps.

Average Push up Category Chart Men

Category Average Reps
Beginner1 – 12 Reps
Intermediate13 – 30 Reps
Advanced31 – 50 Reps
Elite51 – 100 Reps

Average Push up Category Chart Women

Category Average Reps
Beginner1 – 5 Reps
Intermediate6 – 15 Reps
Advanced16 – 25 Reps
Elite26 – 50 Reps

Must Read :- What is the average Reps for Pull up?

How many Push ups should I do a day?

After Performing push ups every day for some time, you need to know how many push ups you should perform a day. The answer varies from person to person as we all have different levels of push up fitness.

If you’re new(Beginner) to pushing then you should do 1-8 push ups every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 3-24 push ups in total.

If you’re doing push ups for some time (Intermediate) then you should do 10-25 push ups every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 30-75 push ups in total.

If you’re doing push ups regularly (advanced) then you should do 30-50 push ups every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 90-150 push ups in total.

If you’re a pro(elite) at push ups then you should be doing 55-100 push ups every day for 3 sets, So it’s 165-300 push ups in total.

Benefits of Push ups

1) Works for Multiple muscle Groups at Once

Push up is a compound exercise that works for multiple (upper body) muscle groups at the same time. This will save time if you’re planning to do a quick training session that doesn’t require any equipment.

2) Helps improve posture

Push ups can be great for the posture as they will help with hunched over or looking down. As you can see, it’s very beneficial to add push ups to your workout

3) Beneficial to Core

Push ups help strengthen your core stabilisation muscle. It will help with getting your core stronger.

4) Have lots of variation

Push ups have lots of variation which help target the upper body but target different muscles primarily. For example, diamond push ups focus more on the triceps and chest muscle but still works the whole upper body.

5) No Equipment is Needed

With Push ups, no equipment is needed as you only need your known body weight. However, you can make it harder by wearing a weighted vest. With push ups, you can perform them anywhere as long as there is enough room space like at home, gym, park, in the garden, etc.

How to increase your push up?

Do knee push up

Start with a knee push up, if you’re finding it hard to do push ups, it will be easier to perform. However, the real aim is to ensure that the form is correct. Over time, you will develop the strength and muscles to do push up without the knee push ups and you will be able to perform multiple push ups without any help.

Create a Push-Up Routine

List down all the different variations of push up. Remember! different variations of push up will target different muscle groups as the more you do them, the stronger you will be for the normal push ups. Therefore, create a plan of sets and reps for each day with 2-3 variations of push ups exercises.

Rest and Recover

Rest and Recover is very important. Without Rest, you will be fatigued and your muscles will be sore. Therefore, rest and recovery are important so your muscle gets stronger while recovering. Over time, you will see a significant improvement in your push up but you need to ensure that your training till failure.

Build Core Strength

Core strength is required when performing a push up as you have to keep your body, lower back and core straight. And keep them straight could be hard for some people due to lower core strength. Therefore, start doing some exercises to strengthen the core like Planks, crunches, leg raises, etc.

How to do a push up with the correct form?

STEP 1: Have your hand shoulder with part touching the floor while your palm is facing towards you.

STEP 2: Have your feet shoulder apart touching the floor.

STEP 3: Have your body in a straight line from the top to bottom and look forward.

STEP 4: Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle or less so your upper body slowly to the floor.

STEP 5: Pause and push against the floor making sure the core and glutes press up to plank position again.

STEP 6: Repeat the process.

Common Mistakes with Push ups

Some errors can be made while doing push ups due to fatigue or not building enough core strength. Do switch for an easier variation if it’s hard to maintain the good form with push up.

Not keeping the Lower back straight(sagging).

Not having your lower back straight is one of the common mistakes for push up exercises. This is due to a lack of core strength and you’re having your torso stiff throughout the movement. This can be fixed by doing Plank exercises, core and lower back exercises. After you master it then try doing push-ups, you will see the difference.

Hand Too Far Forward

Having your hands too far forward will cause injury as you’re putting too much strain on your shoulders. Placement of your hand should be horizontal to your upper chest or keeping them under your shoulders.

Improper Neck Alignment

In order to have a good neck alignment make sure the head is in a straight line with the spine, eyes to the floor, and the top of your head pointed away from your feet.

Locked Elbows

One of the common mistakes is locking your elbows at the top of the movement. This is mainly done when a person is fatigued/tired. This is not as effective as there is no momentum and can lead to injury as it places too much stress on the joints. Do take a rest for couple of minutes if you’re fatigued and keep your elbows.